Adana 5 Ocak Stadium
3th Prize-Urban Transformation Project Competition
TMMOB / Seyhan Municipality
Location / Program
Adana / Urban Transformation
Status / Date
Concept / 2013
When it comes to proposing a new function to a place in the city, which is important in the collective memory, it's crucial not to eradicate those memories. If we look at Adana in general, it is recognizable that the city is becoming a building stock with a lack of green space. For this reason, the proposal connects Central Park and Atatürk Park with a green axis as it was on the plan drawings in 1935.
In addition to that, the project area between these two focuses are developed as a centre for sports, culture and recreational activities. The racetrack around the stadium was also preserved and added to the areas for sport in the project not to lose it in the collective memory. The goal posts are used as a landscape component.
Also some parts of the tribunes are pre-served to be used for public forums and are added to the park as a recreational unit. Buildings with social,cultural, recreational functions such as exhibition halls, kermess, fair and sport areas are placed bidirectional between the pedestrian axes. Commercial buildings are pretty much avoided not to damage the trades-men around the area. Instead of that, functions are chosen according to how people use the city.

For instance, a social production centre is situated, where the academia and NGOs are able to educate the people about art and technology. In the same way, a market place (kermess) and an exhibition hall are designed for the productions of the people at the centre. Also big events like the International Golden Boll Film Festival, Theatre Festival are considered to happen in the conference hall which can hold up to 1000 and a multi-purpose hall up to 650
On the same level with these two buildings, Adana City History Museum is desingned as a warm passage between the back foyers of them. The roof tops of these two buildings are designed as like an amphitheatre so that people sitting there can observe the paysage. Since the rate of migration is recently getting higher in Adana, it causes an imported culture in the city and damages the local culture. Therefore a city museum is essential, so that the visitors and the residents in the city can get to know where they live and the newcomers can become familiar with the city. The circulation of the users works on the level ±0.00 (+24.75) between the northern-southern and the western-eastern sides. However, temporal spaces such as eating areas, exhibition halls, foyers, social centre units etc. are planned on the level -5.00 to create two levels and in this way, visual contact between the temporal and permenant users is stimulated. Besides the social activities on the level +5.00 are visible from many other spots in the area.